Bei der Gründung einer Offshore-Gesellschaft auf der Isle of Man kann es sich um viel mehr handeln als nur um die Gründung einer Manx-Gesellschaft.
Es gibt viele Gründe, warum Sie sich für die Gründung Ihres Unternehmens im Ausland entscheiden sollten. Für die meisten Menschen scheint jedoch ein Grund wichtiger zu sein als alle anderen, nämlich die Möglichkeit, erhebliche Steuerbeträge zu sparen. In dieser Hinsicht konkurrieren Offshore-Jurisdiktionen gerne miteinander, was ihr Angebot betrifft (Steuerersparnisse, Gebühren usw.), und es ist immer am besten, Vergleichen und kontrastieren Sie die verschiedenen Rechtssysteme für die Gründung von Offshore-Unternehmen bevor Sie sich für einen entscheiden. Neben dem finanziellen Aspekt kann die Verlagerung ins Ausland Vorteile in Bezug auf Vertraulichkeit und langfristigen Vermögensschutz bieten sowie den Verwaltungsaufwand für Ihr Unternehmen verringern oder Ihnen ermöglichen, auf Märkten tätig zu werden, die Ihre heimische Gerichtsbarkeit möglicherweise nicht zulässt.
What many people don’t realise is that there is no need to use a corporate service provider in the jurisdiction in which you wish to setup your company, many CSPs offer Offshore-Firmengründung across any number of offshore jurisdictions. CSPs on the Isle of Man are no different in this respect and by contacting an experienced Manx CSP you’ll have the ability to form companies in many different places, for example:-
- Anguilla
- The British Virgin Islands
- Jersey
- Guernsey
- Gibraltar
- The Cayman Islands
- Belize
- The Seychelles
- Hong Kong and
- Mauritius
to name but a few. Of course many offshore company formation specialists also have the right connections to allow you to form onshore such as LLPs in the United Kingdom or companies in Switzerland, the Netherlands or even the US. The decision of where to form your company can be a complicated one and it’s always best to consult with a reliable CSP before making a decision. Some jurisdictions may come with certain stipulations that you’ll be unaware off without the right advice.
In order to offer a full service you’ll need a CSP that can offer any required directors, secretaries and shareholders because certain jurisdictions may set certain stipulations with regard to residency. Of course you’ll also need help with bank accounts, registered offices and that that type of thing but all this will not be a problem to a good CSP on the Isle of Man. The reasons for choosing a CSP on the Isle of Man for your offshore company formation (no matter what the jurisdiction) are plenty but in short the island provides a robust regulatory framework for CSPs to operate in as well as a vast number of highly experienced company formation experts.
How Do You Get Started With An Offshore Company?
Offshore company formation can be a complicated subject but the Isle of Man has numerous experts who will be able to guide you through the whole process, some good, some not so good. After being around the industry for so long we have a very good idea of who we can and can’t trust. If you’ve got any questions about having a company formed offshore through the Isle of Man then please use the contact form below and we’ll put you in contact with a trusted, reliable and affordable Isle of Man CSP:-
Why no company formation price list? Forming an offshore company shouldn’t be like buying a tin of beans from your local supermarket, every clients needs are different and those that understand the industry know this. We only recommend company formation agents that can offer a personalised service to meet your exact needs.