Kasteel Peel op St. Patrick's Isle

Kasteel Peel op het eiland ManKasteel van Peel is een kasteel in Peel dat oorspronkelijk door Vikingen is gebouwd. Het kasteel staat op St Patrick's Isle, dat met de stad is verbonden door een verhoogde weg (of zoals wij het graag noemen, een weg). Het is nu eigendom van Manx National Heritage en is in de zomer open voor bezoekers. Het kasteel werd in de 11e eeuw gebouwd door de Vikingen, onder het bewind van koning Magnus Barelegs. Hoewel er oudere stenen Keltische kloostergebouwen op het eiland stonden, waren de eerste Vikingversterkingen van hout. De prominente ronde toren was oorspronkelijk onderdeel van het Keltische klooster, maar heeft later kantelen gekregen. In het begin van de 14e eeuw werden de meeste muren en torens voornamelijk gebouwd van lokale rode zandsteen, die in overvloed in het gebied te vinden is.

Excavations in 1982-87 revealed an extensive graveyard as well as the remains of Magnus Bareleg’s original wooden fort. The most spectacular finds were the 10th century grave of “The Pagan Lady” which included a fine example of a Viking necklace and a cache of silver coins dating from about 1030. The Castle’s most famous “resident” is the so called Moddey Dhoo or Black Dog ghost. Legend has it that the black dog used to visit the castle guards through a tunnel, one night one of the guards decided to follow the dog back through the tunnel but after much screaming neither was never seen again.

Once inside Peel Castle it’s a short walk up the steps and a turn right to the gatehouse ramparts which offer nice views back over Peel and the bay. Underneath the ruins of this building you’ll find one of the dungeons (or cellar) and the famous giants hand print. Once you’ve done the compulsory “put you hand in his” (and discover that it’s not such a big hand print after all) it’s time to wander around the perimeter of the castle. The castle walls are still largely in good condition and the south west portion provides fantastic views of Fennella beach and around the back of Peel hill. This area of coast is frequently visited by basking sharks during the summer months.

Amazing Aerial Shot Of Peel CastlePeel Castle will take a good couple of hours to enjoy, don’t forget to have your picture taken sat on the cannons to your left as you enter the castle! There is parking available in the Fennella Beach car park or on the break water although it can get very busy on nice summer days. For a more relaxed trip out to the castle you may want to consider leaving your car in the House of Mannanan car park and taking a stroll out along the harbour and newly constructed Marina.

Once you’ve finished in the castle some of the best rock pooling on the Island is available just around the corner. Nets can be bought from the local kiosk and the upper rock pools are safe to enjoy at all states of the tide. If you’re that way inclined some good fishing can also be enjoyed behind the castle, with plenty of Pollack (locally Calig) to be caught on light float tackle.

A trip to Peel Castle followed by some rock pooling and general wandering around the breakwater on a hot summer’s day takes some beating.

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