
ウバザメ は海で2番目に大きい魚で、ジンベイザメに次いで2番目に大きく、悪名高いホホジロザメよりもはるかに大きい。このおとなしいサメは海の上層部のプランクトンを餌としており、マン島周辺の豊かな海は絶好の餌場となっている。マン島は、 ウバザメを観察する 夏季(5月から9月)には、世界でも有数のサメが餌を求めて集まります。 The west coast of the island in particular attracts many Basking Sharks and it’s not uncommon to be able to count 10 sharks and upwards at once. Whilst on a clear day these beautiful creatures can be seen from the shore (especially Peel breakwater and the footpaths between Peel and Port Erin) by far the best way of getting up close and personal with a Basking Shark is to take a Basking Shark tour.

Basking Shark Tours 1Several charter boats operate from the port of Peel and each skipper has significant experience in getting you close to these amazing sharks, some of which reach 36 feet in length. Because a Basker feeds right on the surface and has an inquisitive nature sharks will often approach right to the very side of a boat and even rub along side. Again it’s worth mentioning that these sharks pose absolutely no danger to man, they have no teeth so at worst would be able to give you a nasty suck! The Isle of Man has strict rules on how vessels can approach Basking sharks and your skipper will be trained to make sure that the sharks are not disturbed. It’s the sharks inquisitive nature that will bring them close to you ready for that perfect photograph!

The Isle of Mans reputation for Basking Shark watching is well deserved and a Basking Shark Tour should be seen as a “must do” for anybody with even the smallest interest in the natural world. As well as seeing Basking Sharks it’s also not that uncommon to find Dolphins and various Whale species (including Killer Whales) in the waters around the island.


  1. Any of the tour boats should be able to advise better on this but people do get in the water to dive with the Basking Sharks.

  2. My partner and I would have loved to take a trip around the Calf to look at the seals in the last weeks of July, but everything was deserted. This really is the land that time forgot

  3. As a local boat owner I can only speak from my own experience and I’d say you were lucky not to have somebody take you out with little chance of seeing anything + a good chance of being sick. The 2 weeks towards the end of July featured strong north west winds on the Island, a wind direction which always cuts up very rough around the west and south of the Isle of Man. This summer has been a particularly windy one and it’s a real shame that it’s meant more people haven’t got to enjoy the great coastline and wild life available.


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