3D 剥皮

Peel is the largest town in the west of the Isle of Man. Besides the castle it’s also home to a popular beach, breakwater (the only place on the island that has a kiosk with dedicated regulars?) and of course the House of Mannanan, part of the Story of Mann. Peel harbour has been transformed into the second marina on the Isle of Man and is a hugely popular stop over for visitig yachts, especially those from Ireland and especially during TT.

The following images are in pairs, the top image is the original, the bottom image is a Red/Cyan Colour Anaglyph and can be viewed in 3D using old style cheapo 3D glasses. I’m currently working on a way of giving people access to the original stereoscopic HD image so that you can print them out.

Peel Marina

Peel Marina
(Original none 3D)

Peel Marina In 3D
(Use Red/Cyan 3D Glasses To View This Image)

Peel Marina Creek Inn

Peel Marina Creek Inn 3D

Peel In 3D 1

Peel Marina Power Station In 3D

Peel Breakwater

Peel Breakwater From The Sea

Peel Breakwater From The Sea 3D


Peel Castle From The Sea

Peel Castle From The Sea In 3D


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