
The prevailing wind direction on the Isle of Man is West/South West resulting in the west of the island “generally” getting the worst of the sea state. Where a more general outlook of slight if given this can often result in what would be seen much more as a moderate sea on the west of the island. It seems that over the last few years wind speeds around the Isle of Man have increased and even during the summer period low pressure after low pressure rolls in resulting in long spells of force 4 winds.



由于位于爱尔兰海中部,马恩岛的天气变化无常,是英国最频繁变化的地区之一。不仅天气状况会在几个小时内发生巨大变化,而且相隔仅几英里的地方天气也截然不同(几年前皮尔-圣约翰斯的雪分水岭就证明了这一点)。我们不会依赖单一的天气来源,而是将尽可能多的信息集中到一个页面上,尽可能完整地描述天气状况。 马恩岛当前天气 以及 马恩岛 天气预报 尽可能。
