Entrega gratuita para a Ilha de Man?

À medida que mais pessoas recorrem à internet para suas necessidades de compras, essa é uma pergunta que é feita repetidamente. Alguém faz entrega gratuita para a Ilha de Man? A resposta é sim. Várias lojas online oferecem um serviço de entrega gratuito para a Ilha de Man. Várias outras também cobram apenas uma taxa de entrega padrão para a ilha e não aproveitam a oportunidade para adicionar grandes quantidades de postagem extra. Para manter as coisas simples, listaremos os varejistas online que entregam gratuitamente e aqueles que entregam em sua taxa padrão separadamente:-

Online Retailers That Deliver To The Isle of Man For Free:-

Play.com – Offer free delivery to the Isle of Man on all goods.

Amazon.co.uk – Order more than £5 worth of goods from Amazon.co.uk and you can opt for Free Super Saver delivery to have your goods delivered for free to the IOM. This only applies to goods sold direct from Amazon.

Boots.com – Spend over £40 for free delivery to your home or over £20 for free store delivery (Same terms as the UK mainland).

Game.co.uk – Free delivery on everything to the Isle of Man.

Great Universal – Free delivery on most items to the Isle of Man.

Dabs.co.uk – NOT ALL THE TIME – Dabs offer free delivery offers from time to time and these do include the Isle of Man.

Online Retailers That Deliver To The Isle of Man At Standard Rate (No Extra)

Marks & Spencer – A standard £3.50 charge covers everything.

Woolworths.co.uk – No extra charges for delivery to the Isle of Man

If you know of any more online retailers who welcome Manx shoppers then pease leave a comment.


  1. Hi,
    My company delivers everything for free to the Isle of Man including a very large range of rocking horses. It is all about knowing the right couriers. Nothing is too big for us to deliver.
    I come from the IOM, and know how difficult it is to deliver there.

  2. I need a bed delivered to the island. Do you have a warehouse where I could get the bed delivered to

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