Uw kans om te genieten van wiel-aan-wiel race-actie in de nieuwste Go-Karts. De Het eigen self-drive kartcircuit van het eiland Man bevindt zich in de zomer op Jurby Airfield in het noorden van het eiland en in de winter op de TT Grandstand. De zomerbaan van 375 meter biedt volop gelegenheid om topsnelheid te halen en in te halen. U hoeft niet van tevoren te reserveren, kom gewoon tussen 10.00 en 18.00 uur op zaterdag en zondag en doe mee aan de actie!
The track operates 200cc BIZ Karts geared to a maximum speed of 35mph, plenty of speed for a lot of fun but safe enough for anyone over 150cm (5 feet) tall to enjoy. Timing is done via transponders so there can be no arguments over who set the fastest time! In keeping with the family orientated nature of the karts the facilities available are top notch. All your safety equipment is provided including gloves, helmets, rib protectors and overalls. There are marshals on track at all times and for those members of the family not interested in taking part a heated viewing gallery will keep them warm. Parking is free and hot and cold drinks are available all day and there are toilet facilities on site. There’s no excuse for not giving Karten a go!
Prices start from just £15 for 10 minutes of racing.
They no longer operate a website so in order to book please call 01624 898106 or mobile 07624 461009.
1 reactie
Hi Trying to call but phone seems to be unavailable! Can you let me know how to book. I have been quite a few times over the years, but the Ko Karting bookings seems to have changed. Many thanks, Diane