ビクトリア朝時代には、イギリス各地のカメラオスキュラは人気のスポットで、投影された映像を見るために長い列ができるほどでした。 カメラオブスキュラ 基本的には、小さな開口部から外部の画像を表面に投影できる暗い部屋です。屋内で屋外を見ることができると考えてください。今では大したことではないように聞こえますが、当時は娯楽の極みでした。
の マン島のカメラ・オブスキュラ is situated on Douglas Head, below the offices of Manx Radio near the lighthouse. There is parking nearby and it is an easy walk from the car park. A £250,000 renovation in 2005 has brought this Victorian marvel back to life and it’s now a popular attraction once again. What perhaps makes the Isle of Man Camera Obscura stand out from many others is that instead of only having 1 lense the Manx one has 12, each making up part of a complete 360 degree image. From its prime position you’ll enjoy views of Douglas harbour and bay, the nearby lighthouse and far out to sea.
It might not appeal much to your average 11 year old but for those of you looking for something a bit different and another way of enjoying the views of the Isle of Man then you could do much worse than a visit to the Camera Obscura. It is open weekends only during the summer, Saturday 1pm to 4pm and Sundays 11am to 4pm. Admission is a very modest £2 for adults and £1 for senior citizens (accompanied kids can go in free).