
Isle of Man Saracen Horse Feed

Now I know this doesn’t sound very Manx but there you go.  Looking for top quality animal feed and bedding, looking for similar prices to what you see online, looking for free delivery across the whole island? You don’t want much do you?!!! A new company has you covered, whether it’s for your horse, dog or other small animal Millmount Equestrian Supplies will be able to help.


マン島の花 @ マリアンヌズ フラワーズ



マン島の花ラムジーに拠点を置く Marianne's Flowers は、マン島で花に関するあらゆるニーズに対応するナンバーワンのお店です。





エクストリームアート&ガジェット 2004年からマン島に拠点を置いており、実店舗はダグラスのデュークストリートにあります。長年にわたり、マン島は多くのトップクラスのスポーツイベントの開催地であり、映画産業も成長を続けています。エクストリームアートアンドガジェットのオーナーは、間違いなくこれに一役買っています。その結果、素晴らしい業界の先導により、この店はイギリス諸島で見つけられる最高のスポーツ、映画、テレビのサインの供給源の1つとなっています。eBayのナンセンスは忘れてください。 100% 本物のサイン地球上で最も有名な人々からの贈り物です。現代のビジネスに期待されるように、これらすべてをオンラインでも購入できます。



For All Your Horse Riding Needs

The Isle of Man is the perfect place to enjoy outdoor sports and hobbies. Right up there amongst the most popular outdoor past times on the island is Horse Riding. Horse Riders of all levels enjoy the various lanes and paths available and to meet their needs there are several suppliers of horse riding equipment available, perhaps the best known of these is Horses and Riders. Operating since 1998 their store is open 7 days a week for locals but they have now also made the jump to selling online, opening up their customer base to include the UK and possibly much further afield.


Isle of Man Creamery

Award Winning Manx Cheese

Isle of Man Creameries has been going strong for many years. The creamery is run as a co-operative of family owned dairy farms and is used to not only manufacture and distribute their products locally to the Isle of Man but also to the rest of the world. If there’s one product that stands out as having global appeal it’s Manx Cheese, each year cheeses produced by the Isle of Man Creamery win awards. For example in 2009 alone they scooped 2 awards at the Tesco cheese challenge, 1 award at the Great Taste awards and 1 award at the Great Yorkshire Cheese and Dairy show.


Promenade T-Shirts

If you’re looking for any t-shirts or other items of clothing related to the Isle of Man then there really is only one place you need to look – Promenade T-Shirts!

With the TT and Manx Grand Prix being such popular events Promenade T-shirts have a huge range of motorcycle racing related t-shirts to choose from. T-shirts are available in either printed or embroidery form. Obviously embroidery T-Shirts tend to wear longer. When you think of the TT you also have to think of Bushy’s and the good news is that Promenade T-Shirts also have a large range of Bushy’s clothing and merchandise for you to buy.



Official TT DVDs

デュークビデオ are best known for producing official DVDs for the world famous Isle of Man TT races! This is only a tiny fraction of what they do though, in 2008 they produced 5 catalogues ranging from railways to golf. I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who can remember the Havoc series of crash compilations as well.




マン島で有名な食べ物といえば、キッパーです。もちろん、キッパーを扱っている場所は世界中にたくさんありますが、マン島ほどキッパーを扱っているところはありません。それが、 マンクスキッパーズ は世界的に有名です!嬉しいことに、現在オンラインでも購入可能です。


GH コーレット

Manx Jewellery And Gifts

GH Corlett on the Isle of Man offer a varied selection of high quality Manx Jewellery and gifts. Whether you are looking to connect with your Manx roots or just looking for a memorable TT souvenir that will last a life time GH Corlett are sure to have the gift for you!
