ستائر جزيرة مان – من نوصي به

ستائر جزيرة مانفي ظل ركود سوق الإسكان، يشعر العديد من الناس بالحاجة إلى تجديد ما لديهم بالفعل. ومن المؤكد أنك ستلاحظ في جزيرة مان الكثير من التوسعات الجديدة التي يتم بناؤها، وإضافة حدائق زجاجية، وإجراء تحسينات أخرى حول المنزل. أحد أبسط وأرخص التحسينات التي يمكن إجراؤها على مظهر منزلك هو إضافة بعض الستائر. لاحظنا أنه منذ أن قمنا بتركيب الستائر، انضم إلينا معظم الجيران، فهي تبدو أفضل (من النوافذ العارية وأفضل بكثير من الشباك)، وتوفر المزيد من الخصوصية لأولئك الذين يطلون على الطريق، كما تتمتع بميزة إضافية تتمثل في السماح بدخول الضوء ولكنها تتيح لك مشاهدة تلفزيون البلازما/إل سي دي "العاكس للغاية" الكبير. إذا كانت واجهة منزلك تواجه الجنوب مثل منزلنا، فهذه الستائر ضرورية تقريبًا.

Getting blinds wasn’t actually a new thought for us, ever since we had the conservatory built and the blinds put up in there we’d thought about adding them to other rooms in the house. The real trouble was in trying to get somebody around to do it. The very well-known local company that did the conservatory never seemed to be available; we really did want to give them the business out of loyalty. It was only through word of mouth that we heard about a national chain that was not only highly recommended but also running a special offer at the time. They answered the phone first time (as opposed to the weeks I’d been chasing the others), they were around to measure up within 2 days. The blinds were ordered and on the Isle of Man within 12 days and when they actually came earlier than expected I got a phone call to arrange fitting the very next day. All for a very good price (Less than £90 for a large living room window).

ستائر جزيرة مان – من نوصي به

Hillarys Blinds – A national chain but the husband and wife team who operate the Isle of Man franchise from Farmhill provide a superb service backed up by excellent prices. Like I said we have used others previously but the whole process from initial enquiry to fitting was faultless with Hillary’s and they come highly recommended. You can even arrange an appointment online.


  1. We need a blind in our lounge
    We have been looking at a twilight blind.
    Could you possibly call us to arrange a visit
    شكرًا لك

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