هل أحتاج إلى استئجار سيارة عند زيارة جزيرة مان؟

دعني أقول هذا بصراحة، بغض النظر عن مدى شكواك من سكان جزيرة مانكس بشأن وسائل النقل العام في الجزيرة، فإننا نتمتع بخدمات ممتازة مقارنة بأي جزء آخر من بريطانيا العظمى. ومع ذلك، سواء كنت بحاجة لاستئجار سيارة يعتمد ذلك على نوع العطلة التي تخطط لها، لأنه في نهاية المطاف لن تنقلك وسائل النقل العام إلى كل مكان قد ترغب في رؤيته. ضع في اعتبارك أيضًا أنه إذا كنت تعاني من آلام في الظهر، فإن الجمع بين الطرق السيئة للغاية (بعيدًا عن مسار TT) والحافلات ليس خيارًا جيدًا. إذا كنت حساسًا بأي شكل من الأشكال، فقد يكون من الأفضل تجنب الحافلات.

If you are visiting the island for a few days and are planning on sticking to the main towns such as Douglas, Peel, Ramsey, Castletown or Port Erin for your sight-seeing then the buses are fine. I think the longest gap between buses to those places during the working week is perhaps an hour, so nothing really, most run every half hour. If however you are more interested in visiting some of the less well known spots on the Isle of Man such as some of the many national glens, smaller villages or plan on doing any sort of outdoor activities then you’d be much better off hiring a car. The Isle of Man isn’t a big place but the taxis are expensive and if you thought you’d get away with using a couple of taxis instead of hiring a car for the week then I’m afraid you’re going to be in for a shocker with the prices.

Would I Hire A Car?

Yes I would. So much of the Isle of Man’s beauty as well as natural appeal is found by wandering away from the towns. Whilst there ARE buses to places like Niarbyl and The Sound Cafe, they are not very frequent, not to mention cheap, and you may find yourself spending the best part of a whole day transferring between buses to get to somewhere a little bit of the beaten path. If I was visiting the Isle of Man for a week or more then I’d absolutely insist on hiring a car.

Car Hire On The Isle of Man

It’s very simple to hire a car on the Isle of Man, most of the local companies have deals with major car hire, holiday and airline companies that make hiring a car as part of your booking very simple. If on the other hand you want to look for the best deal then they can also be found on car hire comparison websites like this one.

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